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18 Apr 2023

School workshop with Malek Kadi

What are your fights?

On Tuesday, April 18, 229 LAB welcomed its very first workshop with artist Malek Kadi (@kadimalekk )and middle school students from @artsplastiques_guymoquet. Tackling the question of one’s life fights, the students were invited to express their ideas with creative tools, chalks, rocks...

A rock as a creative protest, leading to the conclusion of the workshop that everyone has a voice, and has the right to express it.

“You have much more to teach me than I have to teach you”

Malek Kadi (@kadimalekk) to the students

Thanks to the students of 7th grade of the art course @artsplastiques_guymoquet from @repguymoquet and their teacher, Laure Castelli @laurecastelli.

@kadilmalekk for your energy put in this creative and meaningful day and @sofyialoriashvilli for her all-time support.

A workshop hosted by @229.lab

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